Essentia Foundation is a registered non-profit committed to offering its contents for free. Therefore, we depend on contributions from people like you to continue to do our work. We are not yet accepting monetary donations because we need to put the necessary systems in place first. But there are other ways to contribute immediately.
We rather spend our limited resources in producing exciting new content for you, in the form of essays, videos, etc., instead of investing in costly social media marketing campaigns. As such, our success depends directly on how effective we are at having our content go viral. For this reason, you can help us enormously by repeatedly liking, re-posting, re-tweeting, commenting on and following our content, as well as consistently spreading the word about what we do across your circle of acquaintances, family and friends.
Once we are more established and our internal processes running more smoothly, we will also be accepting contributions in the form of volunteering work. More specifics will be communicated at a later stage.

Become an author
If you are a qualified scholar, scientist, philosopher, author or academic, you can also contribute by submitting an essay for online publication.
Please note that submitting an essay automatically grants to Essentia Foundation a free, irrevocable, permanent, non-exclusive license under the copyright thereto, to publish said submission through any means, electronic or otherwise, worldwide and in any language, for the duration of the copyright. By submitting an essay you will also be representing that you have the right to grant said license to Essentia Foundation and are not infringing the copyright of any third party. Finally, Essentia Foundation reserves the right to decide on the final title of the essay and associated illustration(s).